Assisted Living

Assisted Living

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Assisted Living Medication Management and Pharmacy Solutions

DosePacker is dedicated to supporting assisted living facilities in their mission to provide a comfortable and secure environment for their residents. For over 25 years, our pharmacies have been providing prescription management and delivery services to residents of Assisted Living facilities. Our pharmacy services and automation products are designed to simplify medication administration and ensure the utmost safety and efficiency for both residents and staff. From our QR code enabled, multi-dose medication compliance packs and vial filling capabilities, to our smart medication reminder devices and Apps, our DosePacker solutions are carefully crafted to address the specific challenges faced by Adult Residential and Residential Care for the Elderly and Assisted Living facilities. With DosePacker, medication administration becomes seamless and error-free. Our service and technology offerings to Assisted Living facilities serve as indispensable tools in optimizing the treatment and health of your residents.

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