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National Assisted Living Week 2024: Fun and Meaningful Ways to Celebrate

National Assisted Living Week Celebration

Did you know? In 2021, there were approximately 810,00 people living in assisted living facilities in the US! This number increases every year and so does the amount of people associated with Assisted Living Facilities. National Assisted Living Week (NALW) is a heartfelt celebration that brings communities across the nation together to honor these residents, staff, and families involved in assisted living.

This year, the theme "
Inspiring Generations" invites us to reflect on the invaluable contributions of our seniors and the dedicated individuals who care for them.

This week offers an opportunity to foster connections, share stories, and create cherished memories highlighting the vibrant lives of those in assisted living communities. From engaging activities to heartfelt recognition, NALW serves as a reminder of the importance of community, compassion, and respect for our aging population.

At DosePacker,  we are committed to elevating the quality of care in assisted living facilities, be it with our state-of-the-art medication management products or through heartwarming ideas that honor our seniors and remarkable staff members.

Celebrate With Us!

Discover How DosePacker Can Help

What Is Assisted Living Week?

Simply put, National Assisted Living Week is an annual observance that goes far beyond a mere mark on the calendar - it's a dedicated time to commemorate the residents, educate the public, and inspire awareness about the vital role of assisted living in enhancing seniors' lives.

Established in 1995 by the National Center for Assisted Living (NCAL), this week-long celebration aims to:

  • Recognize the significance of assisted living communities in caring for America's seniors and individuals with disabilities
  • Raise awareness about the assisted living model of care and its benefits
  • Highlight the dedication of staff members who work tirelessly to provide quality care

As we commemorate this special occasion, we highlight our achievements, celebrate daily triumphs, and anticipate future innovations that will enhance seniors' quality of life while addressing critical challenges like medication non-adherence.

Importance of Assisted Living Week

One might argue, isn’t every day a party for seniors? What, with no homework or office tasks to get done!

Well, not quite.


Seniors face tremendous challenges, both physical and mental, while in their later years. 

Therefore, Assisted Living Week is more than just a celebration; it’s a time to recognize and appreciate the support that assisted living communities provide the lives of seniors and their families. This week offers:

  • Strengthened Community Bonds: Bringing residents, staff, families, and local communities together to celebrate and connect
  • Boosted Staff Morale: Acknowledging caregivers' dedication and hard work, which in turn motivates and energizes them
  • Memorable Experiences for Residents: Creating special moments and activities that elevate the quality of life for residents
  • Increased Awareness: Highlighting the compassionate care provided in assisted living can lead to more significant support from the broader community. It can also lead to an exchange of ideas on how technologies like a DoseKart can help improve patient care across the map

Through the assisted living week celebration, we honor those who live and work in these care communities and shine a light on the importance of the service they provide.

Assisted Living Week 2024: Theme and Dates

Now that we’ve explored what Assisted Living Week represents, it’s time to dive into the specifics for this year’s celebration.

Assisted Living Week 2024 Theme

The theme "Inspiring Generations" encourages us to recognize the rich tapestry of stories and knowledge that older adults bring while emphasizing the role of younger generations in fostering these connections.

Here’s how this theme can inspire your celebrations:

  • Encourages Connection: Activities that unite residents, families, and staff of all ages, fostering stronger relationships across generations.
  • Promotes Storytelling: Opportunities for residents to share their life experiences, passing down wisdom and stories that can inspire younger generations.
  • Focuses on Legacy: Events that honor residents' legacy ensure their contributions and values continue influencing future generations.

Assisted Living Week Dates

Wondering when is National Assisted Living Week?

Assisted Living Week 2024 is scheduled for September 8-14 this year. Chart your calendars now to ensure you don't miss this important week of celebration and recognition!

  • Start making plans at least weeks or even months in advance.
  • Form a planning committee involving staff, residents, and family members.
  • Begin brainstorming ideas that align with the theme early on.

Early preparation is critical because it allows you to:

  • Secure any necessary resources or special guests
  • Coordinate with local organizations for collaborative events
  • Develop a comprehensive schedule of activities

Ideas to Celebrate Assisted Living Week 2024

The "Inspiring Generations" theme offers many opportunities for creative, engaging activities that connect residents with staff, families, and the broader community.  Here are some ideas on how to celebrate Assisted Living Week:

  • Story-Sharing Sessions
  • Create a "Living History" book or video series featuring residents' stories.
  • Host a "Wisdom Wednesday" where residents share life lessons with younger visitors.
  • Skills Exchange Workshops
  • Residents teach traditional crafts or skills to younger community members
  • Young volunteers instruct residents on using modern technology
  • Organize a "Generations Cook-Off" featuring recipes from different eras
  • Community Mural Project
  • Create a large mural depicting scenes from different generations
  • Unveil the mural as a centerpiece event during the week
  • Decade-Themed Days
  • Dedicate each day to a different decade with appropriate music, fashion, and activities.
  • Encourage staff and visitors to dress up in era-appropriate attire
  • Host trivia contests or "Name That Tune" games focused on each decade
  • Family Tree Showcase
  • Help residents create visual representations of their family trees
  • Host a gallery-style event to showcase the family histories
  • Community Time Capsule
  • Create a time capsule with items representing current events and resident memories.
  • Include letters from residents to future generations
  • Invite local officials for a ceremonial "burying" of the capsule
  • Inspiring Careers Day
  • Invite professionals from various fields to discuss how older generations inspired their career choices.
  • Set up career exploration stations for younger visitors, with residents sharing their work experiences.
  • Generational Fashion Show
  • Organize a fashion show featuring styles from different eras
  • Involve residents, staff, and community members as models
  • Include a narrator to share the historical context for each fashion era

DosePacker: The Support Your Community Needs

Let’s face it  - there are over 1,197,600 licensed beds in residential care facilities and nearly not enough caretakers. It can be quite overwhelming for those serving in these assisted living facilities to manage everything. According to a survey, nearly 96% of assisted living facilities in the US are facing a staff shortage. It may result in trivial errors like missing a dose of medication for a senior, which can cause drastic repercussions! 

However, that need not be the case. With technology advancing quicker than the blink of an eye, the staff can leverage the same for their day-to-day tasks at such care facilities.

DosePacker is one such useful tool for assisted living facilities across the US. We’re dedicated to enhancing the quality of care in assisted living settings during this celebratory week and all year round with a host of innovative and unique products. 

Here’s a preview of how DosePacker can help:

  • Compliance Packaging: They are a much-needed alternative to the existing blister and bubble medicine packs. They come in unit and multi-dose variants with detailed labels on them. The labels include the facility and the resident’s name and photo. In addition, each dose cup is color-coded and labeled according to the day, date, and time of dose administration. Not only that, the pack label also mentions a detailed list and count of medications and patient’s allergy information, making it much easier for caregivers to avoid accidental errors

  • CareCommunityOS:  It is a comprehensive software that simplifies medication management in assisted living facilities and other care communities. It can help maintain a log of all the residents along with their medication chart and list of allergies. Caregivers can also determine the exact location of the resident’s bed when it is time to administer the doses for the day.

  • DoseMinder: This product is a game changer for caregivers, residents, and their loved ones! DoseMinder is a trailblazing medication reminder device built to ensure medication adherence. When paired with our MyDoses App, it reminds us when the next dose is due through audio and visual alerts. Not only that, but it also highlights the designated slot on the compliance pack to administer the dose accurately without any error. 

We believe that the well-being and happiness of residents are central to Assisted Living Week. Our products are designed to support this goal by making the lives of residents and staff easier and more fulfilling.

Ready to make this year’s Assisted Living Week the best yet? Explore how DosePacker can support your community by learning more about our products or contacting our sales team today.

Elevate Residents’ Care

Let DosePacker Take the Lead

As you prepare for this year’s festivities, remember the ideas and inspirations shared in this blog. Start planning early, get creative, and make Assisted Living Week 2024 an unforgettable experience for everyone involved that can inspire generations and make a positive impact far beyond this event.

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